Thursday, May 7, 2009

Revised Letter to the Editor

April 14, 2009 The Shield (University of Southern Indiana Newspaper)


Regarding: Indoor Sports Program at the University of Southern Indiana

Dear Editor,
My name is Prince Nzeata and I am a freshman at the University of Southern Indiana. Currently the University of Southern Indiana does not have an indoor sports program and I feel that USI should officially have indoor soccer as well as indoor versions of other sports such as football and lacrosse. Indoor sports programs will not only benefit the students, it will also benefit the school. For students, it would provide new programs for them to engage in and help broaden their college experience. An indoor sports program will also benefit the school because the more programs USI can offer, the more students it can attract. Also, offering an Indoor sport program will help distinguish USI from many other colleges since not many colleges have an indoor sports program. Also standing out from other schools would help attract more students to USI as well. To advocate the establishment of an indoor sports program here at USI, I am making students more aware of how indoor sports can benefit them and USI through the use of flyers, and a handout explaining the various indoor sports. I also asked people to vote for the indoor sports which would they like to see most at USI and lacrosse was the winner.

Prince Nzeata

Contact info: (219)- 682-8208

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