Saturday, April 4, 2009

Summary of Public Sphere Activity (Indoor Sports)

I am a member of USI footballers, which is consists of a group of students from many different countries who play soccer. The group plays outdoor soccer and occasionally indoor soccer at the basketball courts in USI. From playing indoor soccer, I got the Idea that USI should officially have indoor soccer as well as indoor versions of other sports such as football and lacrosse. Indoor sports programs will not only benefit the students, but it will also benefit the school. For students, it would provide new programs for them to engage in and help broaden their college experience. An indoor sports program will also benefit the school because the more programs USI can offer, the more students it can attract. Also, offering an Indoor sport program will help distinguish USI from many other colleges since not many colleges have an indoor sports program. Also standing out from other schools would help attract more students to USI as well. My public sphere activity will focus on making students more aware of how indoor sports can benefit them and USI through the use of flyers, handouts, and visual aids such as poster boards.

Please comment


  1. Prince,
    I really like that you are trying to get more people aware of something new. Most Americans I know don't even think about indoor sports. The strengths I see is that providing info to make students more aware of how indoor sports can benefit them is good. I think once they see this and understand it, a lot more people will be interested in joining. A weakness that I found was that you need to define the beneficial differences of playing indoors rather than outside. Some suggestions I have for you are that you could provide information on why playing indoors is better for your life in a healthy way rather than playing outdoors. Also, post flyers with upcoming games or just playing would attract more people to come out and experience indoor sporting events.

  2. I think indoor sports would be a good idea for USI. The strengths of this proposal are that it will attract more people to attend USI because it is a unique program. However, getting the University to do something like this may be difficult because USI would have to pay for the equipment needed to facilitate these new sports. USI would also need to have enough people with an interest to play these sports. Personally, I would like to see new sports at USI like lacrosse and especially football. Your public literacy documents for public sphere day are good visuals. I think the poster would be the best visual if it had pictures of each sport that could be considered at USI.

  3. Thank you for your comment Charlotte. I am glad your think indoor sports at USI is a good idea. You made a good point as to the weakness of my proposal summary. It is true I did not mention specific benefits of indoor sports over outdoor sports primarily because I intend to do that on the public sphere day itself as part of my handouts and visual aide. I also like your idea on posting flyers about upcoming indoor games. I think it would not only help expand my project, but will allow people to get a better perspective of indoor sports once they try it for them selves. The only problem I see with that is that I can only do that for indoor soccer and not for lacrosse or football.

  4. Thank you for your comment Emily. I am glad your think indoor sports at USI is a good idea. You made a good point as to the weakness of my proposal summary. It is true, it would be difficult to get the University to start and indoor sports program. You are also right in that if enough people show an interest in indoor sports it would most likely grab the attention of USI executives. In that case my main goal on public sphere day would be inform an entice as many people as possible to indoor sports. I can probably set up a petition as well to document the number of people interested.
