Thursday, May 7, 2009

Public Sphere Day Handout

(Sorry Dr. Micer, but the structure and the pictures on the handout were not able to be tranfered to the blog, therefore this is just the writing on the handout) The purpose of my handout along with my poster was to give people a glimps of indoor sports in order to peek their interest, therefore I did not go into too much detail about each sport.)

Indoor Soccer
Derived version of soccer
Played on smaller arenas usually composed of artificial turf
Faster paced because…
Outside boundaries are walls instead of lines
Field is smaller
No offside rule
Consists usually of teams of six members one of which is the goalie

Indoor Football
Derived version of football
Seven players to a team
Faster paced game because…
Smaller field
The ball can be played off the walls
Scoring is the same as outdoor football with the exception that one can score a field goal by a drop kick for four points
Like outdoor football, requires players to wear protective padding due to heavy physical contact

Indoor Lacrosse
Derived version of Field Lacrosse
Also known as Box Lacrosse
Teams of six players (a goal keeper and 5 field players known as “runners”)
The fast pace and heavy physical contact require players to wear a certain level of protection

Benefits of Indoor Sports
· Exercise
· Constant action due to less stops
· Can be played regardless of the weather
· Faster paced
· Builds social skills
· Builds leadership skills
· Can be played year round
· Lower injury rates than outdoor sports

Other reasons to have an Indoor Sports Program
· New Program for students to engage in
· It will distinguish USI from other colleges since not many colleges have an indoor sports program
· Will help USI attract more students

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